Hello and welcome to Lost in Silver Fern!

My new blog! Having spent quite a bit of time scouring the net for useful NZ expat advice and finding very little, I decided to just do it myself and start this Wellington blog.

About me…

I am Josie, I moved to Wellington in July of 2016. After leaving a crazy life in London, I have slowly but surely learnt love it in New Zealand. The nature, the fresh air, the people, the colors and the peaceful city of Wellington have so much offer.

Having spent a lot of time travelling over the years, through Europe, Asia and South America as well as living in Canada and Australia, I tried to go back to London to start a ‘real’ life in 2013. I completed a masters in Arts Masters which I loved and had some great fun living in Brixton but the ‘real’ life in London was not all it was cracked up to be and I was itching to get away. Just in time an old Aussie flame came along and so, here I am.

Find out more about my reasons for moving to Wellington in my post:

My goal…

The goal for Lost in Silver Fern is to share information and advice with others moving to Wellington and to New Zealand, to make it a little bit easier. Alongside expat advice, I will share tips and insights for those already living in the little city. Even though becoming an ‘expat’ is going global, the focus for this blog is very much local; buying local, experiencing local and just generally being a local!

What you will find on this blog…

On Lost in Silver Fern, you can find honest and real advice about my visa experience. There will be posts to help you with what you should expect and prepare for before moving to this country as well as personal stuff and reviews and advice about the best things to see and do in Wellington and beyond. I have also always wanted to have a blog and this just feels like the perfect time and reason.

I hope you enjoy reading and find something useful or just interesting for your Wellington experience.

Mount Taranaki Posing


Josie x